
How Waste Control’s Baled Plastic Solutions Can Help Boost Your Waste Stream Efficiency

In Waste Management by David FahrionLeave a Comment

The disposal of plastic waste has become a growing concern for businesses worldwide. With mounting pressures from environmental regulations and increasing public awareness of the negative impacts of improper plastic waste disposal, companies are searching for effective solutions to manage and dispose of their plastic waste responsibly. For businesses generating significant amounts of plastic waste, finding an efficient and sustainable waste management approach is crucial for their bottom line and their environmental and social responsibilities.

By focusing on the source separation and proper processing of various plastic types, such as HDPE, PET, and LDPE, Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions offer an innovative and sustainable approach to managing plastic waste, ensuring businesses can effectively handle their plastic waste streams while also promoting a greener and cleaner future.

Plastic Waste Generation is a Widespread Issue

Various types of businesses generate plastic waste, including:

  • Retail stores: These businesses generate plastic waste from product packaging and single-use shopping bags.
  • Restaurants and food service providers: Plastic waste comes from single-use cutlery, straws, food containers, and beverage cups.
  • Manufacturing companies: These businesses generate plastic waste as a byproduct of their production processes or from packaging materials.
  • Healthcare facilities: Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers generate plastic waste from single-use medical devices, protective gear, and packaging materials.
  • Offices: Office environments generate plastic waste from disposable cutlery, food packaging, and office supply packaging.
  • Hotels and hospitality businesses: These establishments generate plastic waste from single-use toiletries, food service items, and packaging. 

Businesses generating plastic waste face challenges such as proper segregation, contamination issues, limited recycling facilities, recycling costs, employee training, environmental impact, regulatory compliance, and meeting public perception and consumer expectations.

Understanding Different Types of Plastic Waste

The diverse landscape of plastic waste presents various challenges for businesses aiming to enhance their waste management strategies. By understanding the distinct types of plastic waste and their unique properties, companies can better tackle these materials and improve their waste-handling processes.

  • HDPE (High-density polyethylene)

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a versatile and commonly used plastic in various consumer products. 

  • Common uses: milk jugs, detergent bottles, grocery bags
  • Disposal Challenges:
  1. Contamination issues: One of the primary issues in recycling HDPE is contamination, as residue from food and liquids can compromise the quality of recycled materials. This results in lower yields and limits the potential applications for the recycled product.
  2. Low recycling rates: Another challenge in HDPE disposal is the low recycling rates, stemming from not all recycling facilities accepting HDPE materials. This limitation makes it more difficult for businesses and consumers to find suitable recycling options for their HDPE waste.
  • PET (Polyethylene terephthalate)

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a widely used plastic in everyday items.

  • Common uses: beverage bottles, food containers, textiles
  • Disposal Challenges:
  1. Contamination issues: Contamination is a significant issue regarding recycling PET. Residue from food and beverages can decrease recycling efficiency, resulting in lower-quality recycled materials and increased waste.
  2. High volume of waste: The sheer volume of PET waste also presents a substantial challenge. As one of the most widely used plastics, PET contributes significantly to plastic waste accumulation, with considerable environmental implications.
  • LDPEE (Low-density polyethylene)

Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is a common plastic material in everyday items. While its versatility and convenience have made it popular, LDPE presents a unique disposal challenge.

  • Common uses: Plastic bags, shrink wrap, flexible packaging materials
  • Disposal Challenges:
  1. Lightweight nature: One of the primary issues with LDPE disposal is its lightweight nature. When it is disposed as trash, it keeps containers from reaching optimum weight capacity thereby increase disposal costs. The wind can easily blow LDPE, leading to litter and environmental pollution as it becomes entangled in trees, fences, and other structures.
  2. Difficult to recycle: LDPE often gets tangled in recycling machinery, resulting in disruptions to recycling processes and increased downtime for recycling facilities
  3. Limited recycling facilities: Not all recycling centers accept LDPE materials due to processing difficulties, making it more challenging to find suitable recycling options
  • Polypropylene (PP)

Polypropylene (PP) is a versatile and durable plastic widely used in various applications, significantly contributing to plastic waste.

  • Common uses: food packaging, automotive components, consumer goods, household items
  • Disposal Challenges:
  1. Recycling infrastructure: The need for adequate recycling infrastructure poses a challenge to recycling polypropylene effectively. Not all recycling facilities are equipped to handle PP, resulting in lower recycling rates than other plastics like PET and HDPE.
  2. Mixed plastic waste contamination: Contamination from mixed plastic waste can impede the recycling process for polypropylene. Proper waste segregation is essential to ensure efficient recycling and avoid compromising the quality of recycled materials.

Apart from the individual challenges of different kinds of plastics, the common and most severe problem with all plastic waste is the environmental impact. Plastics take a long time – often hundreds of years – to degrade in landfills, contributing to pollution and waste accumulation. Moreover, when improperly disposed of, plastic can find its way into the environment, causing harm to wildlife and ecosystems.

Source-Separating Plastic: The Key to Efficient Recycling and Waste Management

Source-separating plastic refers to sorting and separating different types of plastic waste at the point of generation, such as in households, businesses, or manufacturing facilities. 

As noted earlier, plastic comes in various forms and types, each with its unique chemical composition and recycling requirements. When different types of plastics are mixed together, it becomes challenging for recycling facilities to process them effectively due to mixed plastic contamination, degrading the recycled materials’ quality and rendering them unusable.

Source-separating plastic is vital for businesses generating plastic waste as it:

  1. Improves recycling efficiency, leading to higher recycling rates.
  2. Ensures compliance with waste segregation regulations.
  3. Reduces waste management expenses and can generate revenue from recycled materials.
  4. Enhances corporate responsibility and reputation.
  5. Reduces environmental impact by conserving resources and lowering carbon footprint.

Properly separating different types of plastic waste is crucial for efficient recycling. However, this can be labor-intensive and requires employee training to ensure accurate sorting. Waste Control offers baled plastic solutions to enhance efficiency and remove the headache of segregating plastic waste. 

Benefits of Waste Control’s Baled Plastic Solutions

Let us understand the various benefits of Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions, from improving waste stream efficiency to environmental advantages.

A. Improved waste stream efficiency

Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions enhance waste stream efficiency by effectively segregating and processing different plastic types and maximizing recycling rates.

1. Segregation and processing of different plastic types

Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions prioritize segregating and processing various plastic types to ensure each type is handled appropriately. This approach simplifies the recycling process and enhances its efficiency, as different types of plastic waste are treated and processed according to their specific requirements.

2. Maximizing recycling rates

Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions maximize recycling rates by focusing on separating and processing different plastic types. These higher recycling rates help businesses achieve their waste reduction goals and contribute to a more sustainable waste management system.

Studies have found that recycling rates for plastic packaging increased from 29% to 39% when moving from a mixed recycling system to a source-segregated system. Another study observed increased plastic packaging recycling rates from 35% to 50% after implementing source separation.

Segregation and recycling of plastic waste can divert approximately 30-40% of plastic waste from landfills, reducing environmental pollution and conserving valuable landfill space. Proper segregation and recycling of plastic waste can lead to a 60-70% reduction in energy consumption compared to producing new plastic materials from raw resources.

B. Cost Savings

Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions can lead to significant cost savings by reducing waste management expenses and providing potential revenue from recycled plastic.

1. Reduced waste management expenses

Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions can help businesses save on waste management expenses. By streamlining the waste segregation and recycling processes, businesses can reduce the overall costs associated with waste handling, transportation, and disposal.

2. Potential revenue from recycled plastic

Companies using Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions may also benefit from potential revenue from selling recycled plastic materials. This additional income can offset waste management costs and contribute to a company’s profitability.

C. Environmental Benefits

Utilizing Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions results in substantial environmental benefits, including reduced landfill waste, decreased carbon footprint, and conservation of natural resources.

1. Reduced landfill waste

Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions significantly reduce landfill waste by maximizing recycling rates and minimizing waste sent to landfills. This reduction positively impacts the environment by conserving valuable land space and reducing the production of harmful greenhouse gases associated with decomposing waste.

According to the EPA, recycling one ton of plastic can save up to 30 cubic yards of landfill space. If a business recycles 100 tons of plastic waste annually, it can potentially save 3,000 cubic yards of landfill space annually.

2. Decreased carbon footprint

Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions help businesses lower their carbon footprint by promoting the efficient recycling and reuse of plastic materials. Recycling plastic requires less energy than producing new plastic from raw materials, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recycling plastic can save up to 30-80% of the greenhouse gas emissions generated by producing the same amount of new plastic from virgin materials. This is because recycling plastic requires less energy and fewer raw materials, which translates into lower greenhouse gas emissions.

For instance, recycling one ton of PET plastic bottles can save around 7,200 kWh of electricity and prevent the release of 3 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions. Similarly, recycling one ton of HDPE plastic can save approximately 14,000 kWh of electricity, avoiding the release of 2.5 tons of CO2e emissions.

3. Conservation of natural resources

Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions play a vital role in conserving natural resources by optimizing recycling processes and reducing the demand for virgin plastic materials.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recycling one ton of plastic conserves approximately 3.8 barrels of oil and saves 7.4 cubic yards of landfill space. Furthermore, producing new plastic products from recycled materials can save up to 66% of the energy compared to using virgin materials. 

This conservation helps preserve the environment for future generations and supports the global effort to transition towards a more sustainable and circular economy.

D. Compliance with Regulations 

Proper segregation and handling of plastic waste can help businesses comply with local and regional waste disposal regulations. This compliance helps them avoid fines and penalties and maintain a positive reputation within the community and industry.

California has several regulations concerning businesses that generate plastic waste:

How Waste Control’s Baled Plastic Solutions Work

Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions follow a comprehensive process that ensures efficient waste management and recycling. This involves assessing the client’s plastic waste stream, implementing customized solutions, and monitoring the waste stream to maintain optimal performance.

A. Assessment of the Client’s Plastic Waste Stream

Waste Control begins by thoroughly assessing the client’s plastic waste stream. This involves identifying the various types of plastics the business generates and their respective quantities. Additionally, the current waste management practices are evaluated to identify areas of improvement.

B. Implementation of Customized Baled Plastic Solutions

Once the assessment is complete, Waste Control creates and implements customized baled plastic solutions. This includes setting up source separation systems to ensure that different plastic types are segregated effectively. Employees are trained on proper waste segregation techniques to improve recycling efficiency. Waste Control also establishes partnerships with recycling facilities specializing in processing specific plastic types.

C. Monitoring and Optimization

After implementing the customized baled plastic solutions, Waste Control monitors the client’s waste stream to ensure maximum efficiency. Regular audits are conducted to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. As waste stream dynamics change over time, Waste Control adjusts the necessary solutions to maintain optimal waste management and recycling rates.

Parting thoughts

Waste Control’s baled plastic solutions offer numerous advantages for businesses generating plastic waste. These solutions enhance waste stream efficiency by effectively segregating and processing different types of plastic, resulting in maximized recycling rates. Additionally, businesses can experience significant cost savings through reduced waste management expenses and potential revenue from recycled plastic materials. Waste Control’s services also contribute to environmental benefits, such as decreased landfill waste, reduced carbon footprint, and conservation of natural resources.

Waste Control has a combined experience of over 100 years in waste removal consulting and management. We ensure efficient waste disposal and cost savings by serving various businesses and facilities. By partnering with Waste Control, companies can streamline their waste management processes and demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability. Don’t wait—reach out to Waste Control today to discover how their baled plastic solutions can boost your waste stream efficiency and contribute to a greener future.