Recyclable waste

Is Your Waste Hauler Trying to Get You to Increase Your Service?

In Commercial waste disposal service, Reduce Waste Costs by David FahrionLeave a Comment

Many of our clients express frustration that they receive a barrage of phone calls and emails from their hauler about their trash and recycling containers being overfilled.  Maybe you have experienced this too.  The typical approach is that a hauler representative, often from another State, will call or email you regarding the waste overages and suggest increasing your service.  The changes are implemented, your rate goes up, the rep earns commission, but the overage fees continue and the reps start calling and emailing again, suggesting you increase service all over again.  By the way, the same technology they use for finding ways to charge you extra fees could be used to reduce your costs, but you never hear about those options.

Some of the benefits of Waste Control’s services are that we can find ways to reduce or eliminate overage and contamination fees, manage the calls and emails from the hauler, and reduce your costs at the same time.  Although managing waste services is not that complicated, it can be confusing and our extensive expertise in the industry helps us find solutions that you may not be aware of and that your waste hauler won’t suggest.  We also provide cutting edge technology that gives us reliable data to aid in the decision-making process and helps to hold waste haulers accountable for missed pick-ups, inaccurate billings, and provides alternative cost saving service configurations.

Our process is simple, let us do a free evaluation to see what we can do for you.